I sat in the lobby of The Saxon in Johannesburg watching all the “beautiful people” ignoring me. Then I saw Him. Silver grey hair, handmade suit, silk shirt and as he signed the register – yep that was a Rolex. A rich man who didn’t know he was going to become my meal ticket. Come to me sugar daddy! My brain kept repeating -“date rich man in South Africa, date rich man in South Africa”.
My “date rich man in South Africa” date
Flirting with the receptionist got me a room number, a name and the information that he had a table reserved for 8pm. “Date rich man in South Africa”. I started watching the elevator in the lobby at 7.45pm and when at 7.58pm the display showed his floor I was ready. “Date rich man in South Africa”.
As the door opened and he alighted I balanced on one “fake” Manolo Blahnik shod foot. I’d ruthlessly broken the heel on the one I held in my hand as a “fake” tear glistened on my waterproof mascara. Of course he came out just as I lost my balance. “Date rich man in South Africa”

My story about date rich man in South Africa!
How to date rich man in South Africa
I was full of apologies and just close enough that he could see down the front of my bra. There’s something about a rich man’s cologne. “Date rich man in South Africa”. My date had cancelled and I was going back to my suite to order room service when disaster struck. Well no gentleman billionaire could let a lady dine alone when he has a spare seat at his table. “Date rich man in South Africa”. I couldn’t possibly. No really. Oh well if you insist.
After dinner we sat in the Eighteen05 Whisky Bar sipping The Gentleman’s Wager as I listened to my, about to be, “sugar daddy’s” life story.
After one cocktail I pleaded exhaustion and excused myself, bending down and kissing him on the cheek saying I hoped to see him again and sashayed away in my stocking feet giving him a good view of my derriere.”Date rich man in South Africa”.
I wasn’t surprised when I found “sugar daddy” in the lobby next morning begging to take me shopping to replace my shoes. “Date rich man in South Africa”. Maybe I would let him persuade me to accept a few other little items before champagne and cocktails in the Island Bar.
“Date rich man in South Africa”.